Remote Neurofeedback
For Anixety and Deperssion
Neurofeedback is a powerful tool for anxiety and depression. Many of the issues that people deal with are because of a brain that is dysregulated, neurofeedback assists the brain to become more healthy.
Deep States Training
Most people believe that we only have two types of consciousness, sleep or awake. In fact, there are many more and neurofeedback allows us to train the brain to access them. When we train "deep states", it creates a bridge from the conscious mind to the unconscious.
For Head Trauma
Head Trauma is surprisingly common in the modern world, everything from big things like car accidents to smaller things, like playing soccer can cause trauma to the brain. Neurofeedback is a powerful tool in healing a brain that has experienced physical trauma.
Neuro Meditation
It takes years to learn meditation and study after study has demonstrated its profound benefits. With neurofeedback, we can speed that process up by showing the brain exactly where it needs to go.
For Spiritual Understanding
Though often unmentioned today, many of the founders of the field of Neurofeedback were deeply spiritual people. They were looking for new ways to attain spiritual states like that of yogis and other spiritual adepts. We follow in their path.
Peak Performance
What would it be like to be the best you? When your brain is working optimally, you are at your best in everything that you do. Neurofeedback is starting to be used everywhere were people are looking for an edge, from CEOs to top athletes.